Well done to pretty much all of our vacating students for all your hard work in ensuring the properties were returned to us as we gave them to you.

By following the clear pre checkout cleaning instructions provided we have been able to return 38 out of 41 (full property) deposits this year.

By taking the time to carry out pre checkout inspections to offer clear guidance to all of our tenants on what was expected at hand back we have had the best year to date.

Our policy of carrying out pre checkout inspections on every property 4 to 6 weeks prior to the end of the tenancy to advise tenants of the required standard means everyone knows exactly what needs to be done.  The pre checkout info we provide includes an information booklet, tick list, cleaning product information and cleaning contractor contacts. We write to everyone after the inspection and advise where extra attention is required or where professional contractors maybe needed (e.g. oven and carpet cleaning).  We have even provided demonstrations using some of cleaning products that we recommend.

This year we were able to release 168 individual DPS registered deposits within 24-48hrs of the tenancies ending.
